Earth Day Fitness Reminder: Keep It Clean

I'm big on mother nature. I believe in the 3 R's (I'll literally shed a tear if you don't know what the 3R's stand for… it’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle if you didn’t know) and I try my best to live in an environmentally friendly manner.

I carry a reusable water bottle, refuse plastic shopping bags by always carrying my own reusable bags, I drive an Eco-friendly car, I shun plastic straws, I choose local produce, make sure to change my bulbs to energy efficient ones, I try not to shop for anything unless I absolutely need it and I also make sure to turn off all the lights before I leave a room.

Simple habits like that don't take a lot of sacrifice, and after a while I didn't even realize that I was doing anything out of the ordinary. The same has to be true for making healthier fitness choices.

Just recently, I caught myself telling my mom that losing weight is not complicated, it can be a hard habit to form, but it is not complicated. So I figured I would share them here with you too.

3 steps to losing weight and living a healthier life

1. Keep your food choices clean

Try to limit eating anything out of a box, especially one that is made out of plastic or styrofoam. Plastic food containers can leach toxins into your food and affect your hormone health. More often than not, choose ingredients that are fresh, organic and pesticide free. If you want apple pie, consider cooking that apple pie from scratch—from ingredients that you bought from a farmers market, local shop, or a bulk store.

2. Keep your mind clean

Be positive. Ditch the negative thoughts by sometimes forcing a smile and reminding yourself that making changes stick will take time. Surround yourself with images and information that will inspire you to stick to a plan. I follow a lot of blogs, Instagram accounts and Pinterest fitness pages exactly for this reason, they get me pumped to stick to my health goals. Here's a whole bunch that I think you'll like.

3. Keep your actions clean

Take the stairs, get up from your desk and take a walk, play with your kids, go easy on watching tv for 3 hours straight. In addition, go to the gym, park far from the entrance and walk a little, do a bit of cardio, and lift a lot of weights. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day at the gym, but also don't be so lax that you don't take your commitment to getting fit seriously.

I know that you probably look at these 3 steps and think, "heck, I already knew I was supposed to do all of these things" but remember… I already told you it wasn't going to be complicated!

Sometimes a gentle reminder is all that we need.

Keeping it positively clean and simple,


p.s. Please be kind to the Earth, it's the only one we have!


Power Eats: Protein French Toast


Goal Setting: Far Stretch From Reality?